
herbal concentrate

  • SKIN CARE****

Use of the herbal concentrate Renol

Renol corresponds to the water element in The Five Element Regeneration® concept.

The active ingredients of the extract maintain normal functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys* (spiny restharrow) and prostate** (smallflower hairy willowherb). It maintains joint and cartilage flexibility*** (greater burdock) and healthy skin (greater burdock).
For enhanced effects, we recommend combining Renol with the Artrin cream, part of the The Five Element Regeneration® line of regenerating creams.
We do not recommend using and combining Renol with the other products of the Five Element Regeneration line (Regalen, Korolen, Gynex and Vironal).

Use of Renol from the mental point of view

Inability to relax, distrust and cynicism, shyness, indecisiveness, resignation, restlessness and agitation, CNS hyperactivity primarily in children with ADHD. Renol may bring you more confidence in life - a feeling that everything is as it should be, courage to move forward and let nature take its course.

* Statements provided are EFSA compliant.

Active ingredients

Herbal extract (herb of the cross - root, heather – stem/leaf/flower, goldenrod – stem/leaf, tarragon – stem/leaf, Canadian horseweed – stem/leaf, European black currant - leaf, greater burdock - root, threelobe beggarticks – stem/leaf, prostrate knotweed – stem/leaf, black elderberry - flower, nasturtium - plant, smallflower hairy willowherb – stem/leaf, queen of the meadow – stem/leaf, Robert geranium – stem/leaf, spiny restharrow - root), blend of natural essences (cardamom, lemon, aniseed, camphor, ginger, grapefruit, lemon beebrush, guajac wood, juniper berry, litsea cubeba, mandarin).

Recommended daily dose

Adults: 2 – 7 drops 1-3x a day; children from 12 years : 7 drops per day; children 3 - 12 years: 2 drops per day, half an hour before or after the meal. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. Administer ideally diluted with a glass of water, or directly by drops in a spoon. To stimulate the process of detoxification increase your intake of fluids within the period of regeneration process. After three weeks it is necessary to interrupt the application for one week.

Other products from The Five Element Regeneration® - Herbal Concentrates



 30 ml

Retail price: 31.10 €

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 30 ml

Retail price: 31.10 €

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 30 ml

Retail price: 31.10 €

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 30 ml

Retail price: 31.10 €

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